Gift Voucher
Gift We Hate Ironing Services! Create a personalised Gift Voucher within 5 minutes, pay by card and instantly receive it to your email inbox.
How to Redeem Gift Vouchers
Register or Sign In
To redeem a gift voucher, you must have a registered We Hate Ironing account (if you already have one, just sign in). Click on the Profile Icon in the top right-hand corner of our web page, then register for an account or sign in.
Go to “My Credits”
Once you have successfully signed in to your account, click on the „My Credits“ section. Here you can view all your active and used credits, including their valid until date. Credits are always valid for 1 year from the date of issue, which is displayed on the Voucher.
Activate Your Gift Voucher
In the “Redeem a Gift Voucher” section enter the PIN displayed on your Gift Voucher. After clicking on the “Verify” button and once it’s verified, your credits will be automatically added to your account.